Today may be the last day in January 2020, but it is still the first month of the year, in this start of a new decade. So, Happy New Year!
Today also signifies the introduction of a new beginning for Belle Beauté; the Belle Beauté Blog (BBB)! BBB will be ran and operated by yours truly Belanne, creator of Belle Beauté, LLC, in hopes of keeping my love of writing and literature connected to my passion of hair care and hair styling. With a smile on my face and warmth of my heart, I cordially invite you to come along this journey with me as I explore all of the best (and sometimes worst) things involving our tresses.
"Healthy hair is the only good hair!" ~ Belanne
And as an incentive for even reading this first blog post, every Thursday in February of 2020 will be 50% OFF Thursdays, for all services. The only rule is that the service(s) must be booked online. Here's the booking link to help you book your appointment.
Booking Link: https://bellebeautesalon.glossgenius.com/services
To add some icing on this special cake, if you can't make it on any Thursdays in February, here is a one time use coupon for 15% OFF from February 1st, 2020 to March 1st, 2020.
Booking Link: https://bellebeautesalon.glossgenius.com/services
Please, subscribe, like, comment, and share this blog as many times as you'd like. You can find BB on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/bellebeautesalons/), Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/BelleBeauteSalons/), Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvO7IYlgz7lQa9VL0gdZrmg), and Twitter ( https://twitter.com/BBeauteSalon).
And remember, healthy hair is the only good hair!